In July 2020, Jean participated in a student kindness contest and was selected as the National Kindness Speech Contest Winner. With the prize money, Jean decided to create his own “Race to Kindness” events to help spread kindness around the world.
Jean is an active reader and wants to share his love for books to others who might not have any at home. Gently used and loved books of all ages were distributed all afternoon as families, teachers, children, and adults took them to a new home. Thirftbooks provided a numerous amount of reading materials, Big Thought contributed bagged goodies, and Locura Small Bites brought the fire with them delicious elote.
The book fair was a success thanks to Race to Kindness, Thriftbooks, Big Thought, Child Care Group, Locura Small Bites, and all of the volunteers for joining us in the Race to Kindness.
(Photos: City of Dallas)